torsdag, augusti 07, 2008

Once again

Hallo my friends
This is my “blogg” where I’m writing some items about my self and what I am doing in my life. Sometimes i take it in English. It´s sometimes some photos of activites sometimes of friends and so on. Now it is possible to comment and send some words. Try to do that if you want. Today I am at my father’s birthday he is now 65 years old. He lives about 160 km south of Västerås. He lives in a big house with 4 apartments where he rent out 2. We started with a barbeque yesterday with a lot of friends to my dad and stopped about one a clock in the night. Here in Sweden when you are 65 years old you become "pension". So now he don’t have to work. He got a lot of presents. Today I am going to a visit at my brothers work in a mine. He is driving a truck with stuff. It is about 800 meters down in the mine. I should be interesting. Tomorrow i am going by car and caravan further down in the south part of the lake “Vänern”. It´s about 250 km from my fathers place. I visiting my daughter and here soon 3 years old daughter. It should be very nice. More to com…………

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Jag testar så detta fungerar

Anonym sa...

Sen när blev Jill din dotter ??
